My name is Dani and so you know, I am obsessed with the divergent series enough that all the other books series that I’m reading right now because I’m a big book nerd are like basically gone
i’m a divergent girl who is both dauntless and Amity, btw
My name is Dani and so you know, I am obsessed with the divergent series enough that all the other books series that I’m reading right now because I’m a big book nerd are like basically gone
i’m a divergent girl who is both dauntless and Amity, btw
making this as a post for people to easily change their votes and debate if desired
i think that either abnegation or candor
abnegation because i feel that with having to be selfless you’d feel drained and stuff, and candor you literally always know what ppl think abt you
factionless probably have one of the highest rates of suicidal ideation, because theyre overlooked and generally seen with disdain as far as i remember (i read only divergent but i domt care about spoilers)
I actually just singed in to fandom. Divergent is one of my favourite novel. Every time I take the test I always get erudite. I write some fanfictions sometimes. It’s nice to meet all of you.
My pronouns are She/her. Everytime I took the official test I got equal aptitudes for amity and erudite. (I picked Amity). So yeah please be kind I'm still scared from the ending. Happy to meet all of you
I love peircings and I'm pretty brave most of the time (dauntless) but I also love reading and want to absorb all the little bits of knowledge that I can(erudite)! I love the way of life in abnegation but I feel like I'd struggle with being selfless all the time for the rest of my life. That's why I eliminated abnegation. Amity would never be honest with me bc they're too nice which is why I eliminated amity. Candor is awesome but I wouldn't fit in bc I lie too much. I do speak my mind (and get in trouble for it) but I'm not truthful all the time. I'm leaning more towards erudite because the dauntless are pretty rude and I feel like I'm too nice to fit in with them. I also don't like gossip and in the book it says erudite gossip a lot. There is both good and bad for all factions. Please help me to choose! I could really use your counciling!
Hey everyone! I'm new to this Fandom and I've only read the first 200 post of the first book so I'm not gonna say I'm a fan yet. I'm a divergent (according to tests I've taken online bc I've gotten amity abnegation and dauntless so honestly idk)
I’m Hope. I’m an Amity bc it’s probably my favorite besides Dauntless and I think I would do well there but I could also be Abnegation. I love the series and finished the first book yesterday and watched the movie today. I also really like Gerry Potter and the hunger games and I am on both of those wikis. I look forward to getting to know everyone!!
I have no ideas why I am posting so much!?
Abnegation - Classics - I know a lot of people like them but there just boring to me.
Amity - Romance/Comedy - Lighthearted stories.
Candor - Non-Fiction - Tells the truth.
Dauntless - Dystopian - Duhh, you already know why.
Erudite - Sci-Fi - Science based stories.
Divergent - All Genres - Mix of factions.
Tell me if you agree and what factions you fit in most.
I wonder what the rarest two different faction aptitude is?
My mind immediatly goes to the factions with rivalry, like Amity and Candor, but Candor and Abnegation seems odd too.
If you have any ideas, comment below! ⬇
I have liked Divergent since like…the beginning of last year? I can’t count how many times I’ve read the book and watched the movie. It’s ridiculous. Here’s a bit about me: Call me Kat. I am born Amity, switched to Dauntless. My other fandoms are Harry Potter, the Riordanverse, Maze Runner, Mortal Instruments, and the Hunger Games. I also love to write(original stories and fanfiction)and I am currently writing the script for a completely book-accurate Divergent film. My cast will be my best friend, my little brother, my grandmother(who is amazing and cool. She’s my favorite person ever), and me.
My favorite ever quote is ‘Fear doesn’t shut you down. It wakes you up.’ I love this quote because it helped me in actual real life. Oh, and did I mention I’m Divergent? Sh…don’t tell.
52 Votes in Poll
I had a thought about if factions had campaigns to get people to choose them, like politicians do before elections, or like schools promote themselves to students who will choose one to go to.
A long ago I even posted some joke fliers factions would make to hand out to people, I can't find that post now. In those, Amity was like 'pretty please, choose us', Candor said they didn't care anyways, Abnegation said you don't have to choose it if you don't want to, Erudite's had a complicated equasion on it, and Dauntless said they'd punch people if they don't choose it :P
In all seriousness, this is how I think it would go. All of this assumed they aren't too corrupted, and additionally they'd of course speak a lot of their main belief.
Amity: They'd go for their campaign being pleasant, fun and nice to see. They would promote themselves through games and fun activities, with music and art.
Candor: They'd speak pretty conspiculously and often. Their campaign would be most based on speeches. They'd encourage other factions and the target initiates to debate with them.
Abnegation: They'd be reluctant to even participate, but if it is obligatory, they'd focus on the people their faction helps rather than the faction itself. They'd promote themselves briefly and moderately.
Erudite: They'd have a practical approach, they'd tell people about practical benefits of choosing them. Their representation style would be functional rather than attractive. They'd have the most modern means of promotion, and offer the most detailed info about the faction, its differences from those transferred from and such.
Dauntless: They'd have a very conspiculous campaign, loud and filled with thrilling activities. They'd come up with lots of new ideas often. They'd organize activities like sports.
I'd be happy to hear your thoughts!
So Cara proudly presented the stunner "If I touched you with this stunner right now, it would be extremely painful, and then it would disable you”
Cara made it so the Amity had a way to defend themselves without having to use a gun.
Tris responded with “How considerate of you” :D
Whereas it is considerate that Cara thought of a way for the Amity to defend themselves without killing, or wounding anyone.
The bit that gets me is that, “It will be extremely painful” causing pain is what Amity is against, so like why would Cara think that they’d like that?
It would’ve been more considerate if the stunner disabled the enemy without causing any pain.
This was in Insurgent when Tris and Co went back to Amity
55 Votes in Poll
So after @EmmyAnimal mentioned in this thread (This is the question I was talking about that I raised from that discussion by the way)
She said this:
And there was also the influence of the serum in the food before
When we were talking about Tris Grieving etc.
But what I was thinking was that, Tris never ate the bread, she tried it and didn't like it citing that "It tastes funny"
Remembering that, plus Tris noting the change in Caleb how he was still sad but not as bad as before (Can't remember the exact words)
.... So anyway, this all got me thinking. Could Caleb's intake of the peace serum, affected his decision? Because if you think about it, Tris was non-stop talking about revenge and involving herself in the war, I'm not surprised Tris didn't feel like home to him, Caleb just wanted things to go back to normal, he wanted a home and he wanted to feel whole and safe, without war.
It's spoken a lot about how Tris was influenced by grief, but we've not spoken about poor Caleb and his grief. plus that mixed with the Amity Serum.
So I’m the second book it Mention when she went to candor she was in a holding space make a jail for the first time ever however I think this is untrue as you may know that in amity she was brought to a room were they gave her the peace serum I believe This may be the amity holding space
what do you think?
My guesses would be these, you can add your thoughts or an opposing point if there's one. WARNING: a mention of, well, using Death Serum on oneself.
Peace Serum
I don't really think any other faction would approve of it- Candor would view it as deceptive, Erudite as impairing mental abilities, Dauntless as cowardly/escaping into comfort, and Abnegation as self-serving. But there's a possibility Erudite and Abnegation would resort to it if it is in any way practical or helpful for others.
Truth Serum
I think only Amity would be strictly against it, as they are against saying things that might cause confict. Abnegation's view would depend on the use. Dauntless would like that it results in people being open, but would dislike that they needed the serum to do so. And Erudite would approve of it as it reveals information.
Memory Serum
I think only Amity would approve of it as it removes bad memories and feelings. Dauntless would find it cowardly, and the other two would disapprove of erasing information.
Death Serum
Amity would dislike it for obvious reasons. Abnegation would in the same way, they might accept using it on themselves to help others, although they do view suicide as selfish. Candor would probably depend on the circumstances. Dauntless could view it as brave and/or necessary to use either on oneself or another, as they view killing.
Simulation Serum (the variation with fears)
Candor and Erudite could like the information it gives about someone, and the latter would also value the psychological knowledge it can give, but then they both have reasons to dislike such direct contact with strong unpleasant emotions. Amity would definitely dislike it for that, and Abnegation additionally because it is self-centered.
Paralytic Serum
Erudite would value its practical use. Candor would probably dislike it simply because they dislike the feeling. Amity could use it as a physical equivalent to Peace Serum that works psychically, and when used on them they would maybe mind less than others, along with Abnegation, as both are passive and discouraged from complaining. Dauntless would maybe disapprove the most as they are very agaisnt passivity in many forms.
If you have any other thoughts, I'll be glad to hear!
WARNING: Possible mentions of psychological conditions that are serious enough to warrant a warning. If anyone feels it's becoming too heavy, do tell.
So I was thinking about the flaws that GD's aptitudes were meant to remove, and by extention the actions or wishes they were meant to stop them from. So a bit more serious thing occured to me:
If one is a Candor GD, would that mean it'd be hard or impossible for them to develop the disorder of pathological lying? Because their aptitude makes it very hard for them to want to lie. The experiment's goal was to remove negative behaviors, so it's safe to assume many GD's are indeed deprived of them on an involuntary level at least up to a point, it's more than what they just refuse to do.
By the same logic, an Erudite would be little likely to develop amnesia, DID, or anything else that makes them forget, be unaware or incapable of remembering. Excluding things that happen for a physical influence, only psychical ones. If their first instinct is to pursue knowledge, discover and remember, it's hard for their subconsciousness to cause something that makes them unable to- because subconsciousness is the part that wants things, and they are made to want good mental functioning.
For Abnegation, it would be narcissistic disorder, borderline syndrome (as it's focused on how others feel about us, and they instinctively disregard themselves), maybe even ADHD, as their aptitude makes them focused on others.
Amity- depression, anger issues, sadism, perhaps also borderline, anything that is rooted in negativity towards other people or life.
And Dauntless: conditions that develop because our subconsciousness wants to escape something terrifying or unpleasant, our because we already gave in to fear, such as phobias (they are even obligated to overcome them), paranoia, and maybe also DID in the sense of it not being instinctive for them to forget and move away from something personally attacking them.
I'm no expert, only an amateur interested in psychology.
This is the neurological side of things, but we've already deduced here one's personality can at times overcome that.
I'm not saying people with these conditions have them for a lack of a virtue, on the contrary, because faction's main virtues and flaws are artificial, that's why it's a problem, it would mean artificially treating these conditions. In fact they may even have them but their DNA wouldn't allow them to freely show. I was also going to talk about conditions aptitude makes more likely, but it's too long already. Neither GD's nor people with these conditions are in any way worse due to it, that's not my message.
I realize it's a heavy topic, but decided to post and see how it goes.
29 Votes in Poll