For me I feel like some of my favorite scenes in the books deserved to be in the movies and I feel like they could've showed more of the developing love scenes between Four (Tobias) & Tris.
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35 Votes in Poll
For me I feel like some of my favorite scenes in the books deserved to be in the movies and I feel like they could've showed more of the developing love scenes between Four (Tobias) & Tris.
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None of these are mine
These saved me 🤣
50 Votes in Poll
Hi fellow initiates , or trainers for that matter,
I'm new here .
Name - tris prior ( I wish , but still )
Faction - divergent - erudite , abnegation , dauntless and maybe a little bit of candor according to some random website ....
Born into - erudite or abnegation
Chose - dauntless
Fav book - all
Fav character - four ( tobias eaton ), tris , christina , will , and tori .... [its a looooong list , people]
Least fav character - marcus
37 Votes in Poll
Insenstive Erudite
A Screenplay by
Brave initiate MISS TRIS PRIOR is arguing with loud instructor MR TOBIAS EATON. TRIS tries to hug TOBIAS but he shakes her off.
TRISPlease Tobias, don't leave me.
TOBIASI'm sorry Tris, but I'm looking for somebody a bit more brave. Somebody who faces her fears head on, instead of running away.
TRISI am such a person!
TOBIAS frowns.
TOBIASI'm sorry, Tris. I just don't feel excited by this relationship anymore.
TOBIAS leaves.
TRIS sits down, looking defeated.
Moments later, strong initiate MISS CHRISTINA KRAVITZ barges in looking flustered.
TRISGoodness, Christina! Is everything okay?
CHRISTINAI'm afraid not.
TRISWhat is it? Don't keep me in suspense...
CHRISTINAIt's ... an Erudite ... I saw an evil Erudite kill a bunch of Abnegation!
TRISDefenseless Abnegation?
CHRISTINAYes, defenseless Abnegation!
TRISBloomin' heck, Christina! We've got to do something.
CHRISTINAI agree, but I wouldn't know where to start.
TRISYou can start by telling me where this happened.
CHRISTINA fans herself and begins to wheeze.
TRISFocus Christina, focus! Where did it happen?
CHRISTINAthe city! That's right - the city!
TRIS springs up and begins to run.
TRIS rushes along the street, followed by CHRISTINA. They take a short cut through some back gardens, jumping fences along the way.
JEANINE MATTHEWS an insenstive Erudite terrorises two Abnegation.
TRIS, closely followed by CHRISTINA, rushes towards JEANINE, but suddenly stops in her tracks.
CHRISTINAWhat is is? What's the matter?
TRISThat's not just any old Erudite, that's Jeanine Matthews!
CHRISTINAWho's Jeanine Matthews?
TRISWho's Jeanine Matthews? Who's Jeanine Matthews? Only the most insenstive Erudite in the universe!
CHRISTINABlinkin' knickers, Tris! We're going to need some help if we're going to stop the most insenstive Erudite in the universe!
TRISYou can say that again.
CHRISTINABlinkin' knickers, Tris! We're going to need some help if we're going to stop the most insenstive Erudite in the universe!
TRISI'm going to need guns, lots of guns.
Jeanine turns and sees Tris and Christina. She grins an evil grin.
JEANINETris Prior, we meet again.
CHRISTINAYou've met?
TRISYes. It was a long, long time ago...
A young TRIS is sitting in a park listening to some country music, when suddenly a dark shadow casts over her.
She looks up and sees JEANINE. She takes off her headphones.
JEANINEWould you like some cake?
TRIS's eyes light up, but then he studies JEANINE more closely, and looks uneasy.
TRISI don't know, you look kind of insenstive.
JEANINEMe? No. I'm not insenstive. I'm the least insenstive Erudite in the world.
TRISWait, you're a Erudite?
TRIS runs away, screaming.
JEANINEYou were a coward then, and you are a coward now.
CHRISTINA(To TRIS) You ran away?
TRIS(To CHRISTINA) I was a young child. What was I supposed to do?
TRIS turns to JEANINE.
TRISI may have run away from you then, but I won't run away this time!
TRIS runs away.
She turns back and shouts.
TRISI mean, I am running away, but I'll be back - with guns.
JEANINEI'm not scared of you.
TRISYou should be.
TRIS and CHRISTINA walk around searching for something.
TRISI feel sure I left my guns somewhere around here.
CHRISTINAAre you sure? It does seem like an odd place to keep deadly guns.
TRISYou know nothing Christina Kravitz.
CHRISTINAWe've been searching for ages. I really don't think they're here.
Suddenly, JEANINE appears, holding a pair of guns.
JEANINELooking for something?
CHRISTINACrikey, Tris, she's got your guns.
TRISTell me something I don't already know!
CHRISTINAThe earth's circumference at the equator is about 40,075 km.
TRISI know that already!
CHRISTINAI eat worms.
JEANINE(appalled) Dude!
While JEANINE is looking at CHRISTINA with disgust, TRIS lunges forward and grabs her deadly guns. He wields them, triumphantly.
TRISPrepare to die, you insenstive apple!
JEANINENo please! All I did was kill a bunch of Abnegation!
TOBIAS enters, unseen by any of the others.
TRISI cannot tolerate that kind of behaviour! Those Abnegation were defenceless! Well now they have a defender - and that's me! Tris Prior defender of innocent Abnegation.
JEANINEDon't hurt me! Please!
TRISGive me one good reason why I shouldn't use these guns on you right away!
JEANINEBecause Tris, I am your mother.
TRIS looks stunned for a few moments, but then collects herself.
TRISNo you're not!
JEANINEAh well, it had to be worth a try.
JEANINE tries to grab the guns but TRIS dodges out of the way.
TRISWho's the mummy now? Huh? Huh?
Unexpectedly, JEANINE slumps to the ground.
CHRISTINADid she just faint?
TRISI think so. Well that's disappointing. I was rather hoping for a more dramatic conclusion, involving my deadly guns.
TRIS crouches over JEANINE's body.
CHRISTINABe careful, Tris. It could be a trick.
TRISNo, it's not a trick. It appears that... It would seem... Jeanine Matthews is dead!
TRISYes, it appears that I scared her to death.
CHRISTINA claps her hands.
CHRISTINASo your guns did save the day, after all.
TOBIAS steps forward.
TOBIASIs it true? Did you kill the insenstive Erudite?
TRISTobias how long have you been...?
TOBIAS puts his arm around TRIS.
TOBIASLong enough.
TRISThen you saw it for yourself. I killed Jeanine Matthews.
TOBIASThen the Abnegation are safe?
TRISIt does seem that way!
A crowd of vulnerable Abnegation enter, looking relived.
TOBIASYou are their hero.
The Abnegation bow to TRIS.
TRISThere is no need to bow to me. I seek no worship. The knowledge that Jeanine Matthews will never kill Abnegation ever again, is enough for me.
TOBIASYou are humble as well as brave!
One of the Abnegation passes TRIS a mysterious box
TOBIASI think they want you to have it, as a symbol of their gratitude.
TRISI couldn't possibly.
TRISWell, if you insist.
TRIS takes the box.
TRISThank you.
The Abnegation bow their heads once more, and leave.
TRIS turns to TOBIAS.
TRISDoes this mean you want me back?
TOBIASOh, Tris, of course I want you back!
TRIS smiles for a few seconds, but then looks defiant.
TRISWell you can't have me.
TRISYou had no faith in me. You had to see my scare a Erudite to death before you would believe in me. I don't want a lover like that.
TRISPlease leave. I want to spend time with the one person who stayed with me through thick and thin - my best friend, Christina.
CHRISTINAYou heard the lady. Now be off with you. Skidaddle! Shoo!
TRISI'm sorry Tobias, but I think you should skidaddle.
TOBIAS leaves.
CHRISTINADid you mean that? You know ... that I'm your best friend?
TRISOf course you are!
The two walk off arm in arm.
Suddenly CHRISTINA stops.
CHRISTINAWhen I said I eat worms, you know I was just trying to distract the Erudite don't you?
Will's death in the movie was not sad as it was in the book
I think they ruined his whole character
Christina's actor was good though
Ok so i don't know if anyone here really knows her albums but ill try give a description of each! here's what i think:
Tris: RED
Red is an album about love, it was based on the line "love is a ruthless game, unless you play it good and right". it represents youthfulness and almost like being new to being in love, which is what Tris was at the beginning. It's also brave as it's completely different to Taylor's previous albums, and the title RED also represents boldness, which i think suits Tris nicely.
Tobias: evermore
This one is mostly for the Tobias we see in WCBM - evermore is a calm, wise and beautiful album. It's filled up with loads of stories and experiences, and by then Tobias has experienced a lot. It deals with grief and love and i just think it fits him.
Christina: 1989
Ok to me Christina screams 1989 - she has that charismatic and bright personality like 1989's. 1989 is a pop-y album with catchy songs and the occasional slower or sad one, which reminds me of Christina, as even though she's usually playful and fun and bright, there are times when she understands to be serious, and she has dealt with her own grief.
Lynn: reputation
With Lynn's more serious attitude and darker personality, I think reputation suits her best. Despite reputation being one of Taylor's more dark and serious albums, it also has some songs that have humour and are more upbeat, just like when that side of Lynn's shines through.
Wrote this when i was bored and tired so sorry for any mistakesss :)
34 Votes in Poll
I'm new here to the fandom and I have a question. Does anyone generally ship Tobias and Christin, or am I the only one who wants to cry about it...
Also the reason im back is thanks to alcohol.
So i was bored and i got drunk and the next day i woke up with not only a headache but a new sketch in my sketchbook:
So here is my unpopular opinion, I'm sorry if I offend anyone by saying this but...
Christina is annoying.
I just didn't like her in the series, to me she was more of a annoying then funny person. Im ok with Movie Christina because she is kind of different then in the books. But There Is just something about book Christina that I dont like and I think is annoying.
What do y'all think?
Hi I am new to the wiki. I am a HUGE book lover xD.
Divergent Stuff: So if I was in Divergent I would probs be born an Erudite have an apptitued for Candor yet pick Dauntless becuase I am the kind of person who would do that. xD
My Divergent Ships:
Marlene x Lynn (Probs my favorite ship I just love it so much.)
Christina x Will (I know he's dead and stuff but I still think they are a cute couple.)
Tobias x Tris (I don't really think this needs explaining.)
Zeke x Shauna (I just like them together.)
Feel free to ask me questions!
58 Votes in Poll
Ok so this is stemming off the whole debate whether Tobias is a good ship with Christina compared to him with Tris.
I’ve always thought this but never asked, honestly what does Tris have that Christina doesn’t?
Ive said many times why I think Tobina are good for each other, I have no ill feelings towards them.
And I know the main reasons for disliking them are:
Because he belongs to Tris
Because of “Girl Code”
Because they have nothing in common.
Now I wish to discuss the last one,
They have plenty in common.
And since the debate is usually comparing his relationship to Tris.
Aside from Tris & Tobias sharing “Divergence” in common (Ps I know it turns out he’s GD)
And the fact they’re both Abnegation-Born & Dauntless-Chosen.
I don’t feel like that just because Christina doesn’t have those things in common with him it’s enough to say “Tobias and Christina have nothing in common”
Thats just like saying two people from different cities and slightly different upbringings aren’t gonna be a good couple and have zilch in common, which is just not true.
Soz this wasn’t meant to be a long post, but I guess I had more than I thought to get out, when defending Tobina
So, in we can be mended, Christina and Four have a relationship. I was just wondering if anyone ships them, because personally I don't.
60 Votes in Poll