Ohk. <:
Hi... I'm here.
The death was bland. She should've gone out in style. She deserved a **joocy** death.
Evening (its 5 now)
I respected her as well.
I do. But Tris was also there soooo
Oh, wait. You're probably asleep. Well, thx for the help and uhhh gn!
How are you doin'?
:D I told my mom about the situation and she said, calmly, that she'll figure something out. Guess I was getting worked up for nothing! :)
You know what, talking about this makes me feel a little better!
But I dropped it in the area where the buses depart from. Its probably been run over.
I can, but I'm still worried!
Ikr! I'm scared...
I'm not great... I lost my school ID...
Hiya! hru?
Cudhfuie NOOO that's not it
I'll try